• Pendekatan Yurisdiksi di Indonesia

    Daemeter menghasilkan laporan yang didanai oleh The Packard Foundation untuk menggambarkan perkembangannya hingga saat ini. Blair Palmer, sebagai ketua tim, bersama anggota tim studi telah melakukan wawancara kepada lebih dari 60 responden untuk mengidentifikasikan kemajuan, tantangan, mendapatkan umpan balik, serta belajar dari pengalaman di lapangan untuk memperkuat inisiatif-inisiatif yang sudah…
    Aug 2023
  • Jurisdictional Approaches to Sustainable Land Use in Indonesia: What is it, why pursue it and how to build one

    This report gives an updates of applying the Jurisdictional Approach (JA) to eliminate deforestation from Indonesia’s palm oil sector and promote wider improvements to land governance
    Nov 2017
  • Cost of Social Conflict in Oil Palm

    Daemeter publishes a report, The Cost of Conflict in Oil Palm in Indonesia, a first-of-its-kind study to monetize the costs of chronic social conflict in largescale oil palm. By estimating all expenditures, direct and indirect costs, as well as loss of value from both tangible and intangible assets, the study…
    Jan 2017