Experts to hold dialogue in Kalimantan to bridge forestry, agriculture sectors

  • By Daemeter
  • Editor Daemeter
Experts to hold dialogue in Kalimantan to bridge forestry, agriculture sectors

The Forests Dialogue (TFD), in partnership with Daemeter Consulting, the Center for International Forestry  Research (CIFOR), and the University of Palangka Raya (UNPAR), is hosting a field dialogue on Food, Fuel,  Fiber and Forests (4Fs) in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, to bridge the forestry and agriculture sectors.

Through the dialogue, around 25 international and 35 Indonesian experts from food, biomass, forest, and  conservation sectors will gather in the province on 16-19 March 2014. The first half of the trip is dedicated  to exploring oil palm plantations, small-scale mining areas, community conservation projects, rubber  plantations, peat land rehabilitation areas and fish villages and engage with local farmers, indigenous  community members, researchers, companies and government representatives.

Participants will continue in the second half in plenary and small group sessions in Palangka Raya to use  field trip learnings to form conclusions and specific and practical recommendations. The results will be  presented at CIFOR’s Forests Asia Forum in Jakarta in May 2014, the UNFCCC’s meeting in Peru in  December as well as in a variety of other fora.

For more information, see visit The Forest Dialogue’s page on the forthcoming event.