Towards Deforestation-Free Palm Oil in Indonesia: Implementation Challenges on HCV and HCS

This publication was developed as a summary background reading for “Toward Deforestation-Free Palm Oil in Indonesia: Implementation Challenges on High Carbon Stock and High Conservation Value” workshop, organised by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN Indonesia) and the Indonesian Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 12 December 2014. Daemeter Consulting provides technical support for the workshop in the form of preparing this background reading.

This publication includes the following:

  1. HCV and HCS approaches to implementing Zero Deforestation: An introduction to similarities, differences, challenges, and opportunities by Daemeter Consulting;
  2. Barriers and bottlenecks: How to scale up innovative management practices in Indonesian palm oil by Daemeter Consulting, along with three summary case studies extracted from Best Management Practices in Indonesian oil palm industry: case studies by Daemeter Consulting and one summary case study by Greenomics; and
  3. Executive summary from Oil palm in Indonesia: Governance, decision making, and implications for sustainable development. Summary for policy makers and practitioners by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Daemeter Consulting.

Views expressed in this publication represent those of the authors and not necessarily of the publishers.