
Daemeter staff brings passion, knowledge and a deep sense of purpose in our work to support clients and their stakeholders in developing lasting solutions to complex problems. This section presents reports that are written by our staff and highlight the work that we do to give a glimpse into the ideas and thoughts that drive us.

Towards Responsible Palm Oil Production and Deforestation-Free Palm Oil in Indonesia
Towards Responsible Palm Oil Production and Deforestation-Free Palm Oil in Indonesia
  • By Kennedy Voice & Berliner
  • Editor Daemeter

Supervising the commitment and consistency of the various sustainability practices in the palm oil sector in Indonesia, Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), supported by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) in cooperation with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany held a conference with the theme ‘Toward Deforestation-Free Palm Oil […]

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