BP REDD+, DNPI integrated into Ministry of Environment and Forestry By Daemeter Consulting

REDD+ Agency and the National Committee on Climate Change (DNPI) will be integrated into the recently formed Ministry of Environment and Forestry, according to a new presidential regulation signed on 21 January 2015.
Presidential Regulation no. 16/2015 does not mention under which directorate general the agencies will be merged into, nor a specific transition period that will allow all changes to be completed.
The ministry will have nine directorate generals, a secretariat general, and an inspectorate general, according to the presidential regulation, which can be downloaded here. The directorate generals include one for climate change mitigation, whose tasks include emissions reduction, adaptation, monitoring, reporting, and verification, and forest fire control.
Rehabilitation of peatlands and prevention of further degradation of the carbon-rich areas will be the responsibility of the directorate general for pollution and environmental damage control. The other directorate generals include on environmental and forestry spatial planning, ecosystem and natural resources conservation, watershed and protected forests, and sustainable production forest management. The ministry will also have directorate generals to deal with waste and toxic materials management, social forestry and environmental partnerships, and environmental and forestry law enforcement.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo merged the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Forestry when he came into power in October 2014. Both BP REDD+ and DNPI were formed during the administration of previous President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, with the first as part of an agreement with Norway, who committed to provide as much as USD1 billion over a period of time to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).