
Social Refreshment Training: Pemenuhan Persyaratan Sosial dalam Penilaian NKT-SKT serta Pengelolaannya
Social Refreshment Training: Pemenuhan Persyaratan Sosial dalam Penilaian NKT-SKT serta Pengelolaannya
  • By Daemeter
  • Editor Daemeter

Peer review menjadi tantangan utama dalam Penilaian NKT dan SKT, terutama dalam pelaporan dampak sosial. Tanpa penilaian yang kuat dan teruji dapat berisiko terhadap terabaikannya kepentingan stakeholder, salah mengartikan kebutuhan masyarakat, atau gagal memenuhi standar sertifikasi. Hadirnya Social Refreshment Training akan membantu tim asesor dengan tools terbaru dalam menavigasi tantangan, memastikan keselarasan dengan persyaratan RSPO, […]

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INACRAFT 2025: The Launch of Sustainable Palm Oil-based Batik Wax, A Collaboration in Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Practices
INACRAFT 2025: The Launch of Sustainable Palm Oil-based Batik Wax, A Collaboration in Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Practices
  • By Daemeter
  • Editor Daemeter

A collaboration between Forum Pengembangan Kampoeng Batik Laweyan (FPKBL), WWF-Indonesia, RSPO, Apical, CECT Universitas Trisakti, Daemeter, and Control Union has just launched a batik made of sustainable palm oil wax.

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Online Talkshow: Best Practice untuk Pengembangan Proyek NbS
Online Talkshow: Best Practice untuk Pengembangan Proyek NbS
  • By Daemeter
  • Editor Daemeter

Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Iklim, Masyarakat, dan Keanekaragaman Hayati

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Launch of Jurisdictional Program for Sustainable Palm Oil in Siak District, Indonesia
Launch of Jurisdictional Program for Sustainable Palm Oil in Siak District, Indonesia
  • By Daemeter
  • Editor Daemeter

Agreement for collaboration between Siak District government, international palm oil purchasing and  consumer goods companies – Cargill, Danone, Musim Mas, Neste, Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food,  Unilever and CORE (Proforest and Daemeter) drives efforts for sustainable oil palm production in the  region.  4 July 2019 – Otonomi Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia  Siak government, together with a […]

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How does RSPO certification support the implementation of zero deforestation palm oil  in Indonesia?
How does RSPO certification support the implementation of zero deforestation palm oil in Indonesia?
  • By Daemeter
  • Editor Daemeter

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) achieved a significant milestone recently, with 20% of  global palm oil production certified by RSPO in 2017. Questions remain, however, concerning just how  much RSPO certification conserves tropical forest and prevents peat land conversion and fires. A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of […]

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