The Occurrence of Common Myna Acridotheres tristis and White-vented Myna A. javanicus in Kalimantan

Authors: Iqbal, M., Setyawan, B., Johannis, H.S., Lasmana, F.

Publisher: Kukila

Aug 2013

The Common Myna Acridotheres tristis and White-vented Myna A. javanicus are possibly the most common introduced mynas in Southeast Asia (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Robson 2008; Craig & Feare 2009). Naturally distributed from Central Asia to Southwest China, the Common Myna has been introduced to Southeast Asia and is now a common resident throughout (Robson 2008). Similarly, the White-vented Myna has become widely naturalised in Southeast Asia, greatly extending its natural range of Java and Bali (MacKinnon & Phillipps 1993; Robson 2008). Both species are now expanding rapidly in the Malay Peninsula, including Singapore (Wells 2007; Seng 2009).

There are many records of Common Myna and White-vented Myna, as well as Crested Myna A. cristatellus in northern Borneo, but only few or unconfirmed records in southern Borneo (Smythies 1999; Mann 2008; Myers 2009; Phillipps & Phillipps 2009). The only previous record of Common Myna in Kalimantan was made in Central Kalimantan during 1981, while records of White-vented Myna in November 1978 and February 1983 at Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, remain unconfirmed (Holmes & Burton 1987). Mann (2008) stated that Wilkinson et al. (1991) had sightings in September 1989 of up to ten White-vented Mynas at Banjarmasin, but these data are absent from that paper. Since these records, there have been no further published records for either species in Kalimantan (Holmes 1997; Smythies 1999; Mann 2008; Myers 2009; Phillipps & Phillipps 2009). Here we summarize and discuss our observations of both species in Kalimantan.