Brochure: Responsible Sourcing & Production at Daemeter

Authors: Daemeter

Publisher: Daemeter

Oct 2019

Promoting commodity production and supply chains that are free from deforestation, environmental impacts and social exploitation

Growers, traders, and buyers of agricultural commodities face increasing demands to demonstrate responsible sourcing and production practices. 

From supporting upstream producers to align with legal requirements and international best practices, to supporting downstream actors to understand and mitigate the impacts of their sourcing and supply chain interventions - Daemeter has wide experience in  strategy design and implementation of policy commitments for responsible production and purchasing.  We help clients develop and pursue time-bound action plans, as well as monitor, evaluate, and report to key stakeholders. Focal commodities include palm oil and rubber, as well as cacao, coconut, timber and other wood products. 

Please download the brochure to learn more about our Responsible Sourcing services.