HCV Assesors training course in Bogor, Indonesia, on 14 – 18 Dec. 2015

High Conservation Values (HCV) are biological, ecological, social or cultural values which are considered significant or important at a national, regional or global scale. HCV is integrated into the principles and criteria of many certification schemes. These schemes that deal with production situations in natural landscapes. Furthermore HCV is included in the purchasing and investment policies of many financial institutions, traders, retailers and distributors of wood, paper and agricultural commodities. The RSPO requires that an HCV assessment must be undertaken prior to new planting. This assessment must be led by a Lead Assessor who is certified by the HCVRN – ALS. Daemeter and Remark Asia are institutions based
in Indonesia which are approved to conduct HCV training. Their joint training modules and workshops combine simulated HCV assessments based on HCVRN guidelines.
Course Topics
- ALS certification process
- HCV assesors and assessment process
- Information exchange on Tier Rating
- HCV Scoping Study (literature and desktop study)
- HCV assesment preparation and planning
- HCV identification
- Decision making and analisis
- Reporting
The course will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia. All participants are expected to have some basic knowledge of the “Common Guidance for HCV Identification”. A pre test quiz will be provided and must be completed before the course.
For the course outline and other information, please download the brochure and form registration. Download Flyer Kursus HCV IND Dec 2015