RSPO RT 12: Going beyond expectations

  • By Daemeter
  • Editor Daemeter
RSPO RT 12: Going beyond expectations

The RSPO RT is an event met with diverse expectations each year. At RT12, the bringing together of multiple  initiatives led by various groups with different priorities, and the dynamism this created, made the annual  meeting of the world’s most widely-adopted palm oil certification scheme go beyond expectations.

One theme that left a strong mark is how conversations inside and outside the meeting halls showed that  eliminating (or at least reducing) deforestation in the production of oil palm and developing transparent,

traceable supply chains are both rapidly becoming mainstream market demands. This mirrored results  from a recent media survey by Daemeter Consulting, which found that deforestation and greenhouse gas  emissions were by far the most dominant issues raised in media stories related to oil palm sustainability.

It also became clear at the RT that more and more RSPO members were responding proactively to these  demands. Earlier this year, Daemeter researched how RSPO addresses key market demands for  sustainability, and at RT12 assisted RSPO in developing display panels to highlight examples of producer  efforts to meet these demands. The results presented how a remarkable number of RSPO producers are  moving to innovate individually, adopting standards beyond those required for certification and cranking  the lever upward on palm oil sustainability.

The pace of such change, however, is clearly dependent on pressure from outside. This pressure is vital to  raise standards and expectations for accountability, and helps to focus attention on areas where  certification needs to catch up with emerging norms of responsible production.

This dynamic was also well-illustrated at the RT12. The parallel sessions and World Cafes offered fertile  ground to share insights and alternative views and concerns, some of which were contentious, but most  were delivered and taken in a constructive spirit. The RSPO deserves special kudos for inviting renowned  environmentalist David Suzuki, whose captivating, inspiring address was greeted by a standing ovation. His  case for the urgency of change in production models was compelling.

Some aspects of RT12 remained familiar. The annual meeting was, as it has always been, a hub for meeting  and catching up with long-term friends, colleagues, and clients, and holding early discussions with new  ones. There were many new faces, especially from regions outside traditional producers and markets, such  as Myanmar, illustrating that RSPO continues to grow.

Leaving the RT12, one could not help but feel motivated, even inspired in some ways, particularly by the  willingness of diverse groups with different priorities to work in parallel to drive progress. Each works in his  or her own way, and not necessarily in agreement, but together they form an impressive force for positive  change. This fact, more than anything, is a clear sign that while perfection is our goal, progress is our  mandate, and the diverse, co-existing approaches at work to drive progress is itself a reassuring sign that  we are on the right track.

This piece first appeared in RSPO’s e-newsletter. Read it here. Picture is courtesy of RSPO.